Welcome to Bounce Back Physical Therapy

Your road to recovery starts here

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About Us

Bounce Physical Therapy we are committed to delivering the best possible care to our patients to raise their overall quality of life.

Our BLog

For all the latest on health and wellness tips, industry insights (and more), please read our informative blog posts.


Have a question or comment? Reach out to our certified physical therapists to get you back to healthiness today.

Our Services

At Bounce Physical Therapy we will create personal protocol for you to prepare you for surgery so that you recover faster and can get back to the things you love to do the most. As per advanced medical studies pre and post operated exercise training help to reduce complication of surgeries and also might help to reduce hospitalization stays. 

Knee pain can keep you from walking, running, or even just getting out of a chair.  If you are slowing down at the things you love or are having difficulty with what used to be simple tasks, our physical therapists can help! Whether your 15-year-old daughter is having knee pain after starting a volleyball season or your own knees are starting to feel pain after your normal hike, your physical therapist will fully assess your knees to create a plan for your return to normal. 

Spinal manipulation, also called spinal manipulative therapy or manual therapy, combines moving and jolting joints, massage, exercise, and physical therapy. It’s designed to relieve pressure on joints, reduce inflammation, and improve nerve function. It’s often used to treat back, neck, shoulder, and headache pain.

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Bounce Back Stronger Today!

David in the clinic