On your first visit, please show up 10 to 15 minutes before your appointment, preferably with your initial paperwork completed. You may download this paperwork from our website here
Also, be prepared to provide us with the following: 
  • Your referral or “prescription” for physical therapy. (NOTE: This is not always required.) If you don’t have a referral, please tell us when you schedule your appointment. 
  • Your Insurance Card. We will scan a copy for future reference and return this to you. 
Physical therapy is highly individualized, but most first appointments follow a similar process. They all begin with an initial evaluation by one of our highly skilled physical therapists. This evaluation will include a discussion of: 

  • Your Ailment or Concern. What brought you to us in the first place? 
  • Your Past. What’s your medical history, and how might this be related? 
  • Your Challenges. Are you in pain? Do you have movement limitations? When do you feel most impacted, and when do you experience relief? 
  • The Impact. How is this ailment affecting the rest of your life – your work, your daily activities, your ability to do the things you love? 
  • Your Goals. What do you hope physical therapy will allow you to do? Move without pain? Avoid surgery? Be a better parent? Live independently? Achieve competitive milestones? 
  • Your physical therapist will continue by performing a series of assessments around or related to the injured area that look at  issues such as swelling, inflammation, pain, range of motion, strength, flexibility, functional movement, and so on. 
Once fully evaluated, the physical therapist will discuss with you possible treatment options related to both the challenge/ailment you’re experiencing and the personal goals you have for PT. This may include frequency of visits, education, home-based treatments and exercise, and so on. 
If you were referred to physical therapy by a physician, be sure to bring the referral/prescription along with payment information. This includes insurance information (i.e., your insurance card). 
If you’re visiting us due to a work or auto injury, and you expect to be covered by Workman’s Compensation or through your insurance company, please bring all relevant information related to these circumstances (i.e., claim number). 

A good rule of thumb is to simply wear loose-fitting clothing that allows you to move freely and which provides easy access to the area of the body that’s giving you problems. If your visit is due to knee pain or injury, be sure to wear shorts. If the issue is with your neck or shoulders, wear a loose T-shirt or tank top. We want you to be comfortable as you are fully evaluated and treated. 

You will be assigned to one of our licensed, highly skilled physical therapists, who will evaluate you and your condition and ultimately see you during each visit thereafter. We firmly believe that by allowing you to work with a single physical therapist (as opposed to seeing a different person each visit), our PT will more fully get to know and understand you, your conditions and your goals. This will lead to a better patient experience and, ultimately, a better treatment outcome. 

This ultimately depends on your condition and what you and the physical therapist determine is your best course of treatment for achieving your goals. Often, treatments are multifaceted and may include manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, joint mobilization, patient education, and so on. Your physical therapist will fully discuss all your treatment options and recommendations before proceeding with your individual course of treatment. 
Of course. Your course of treatment will be determined with input from you, your physical therapist and your physician. When needed, we will provide your doctor with progress reports and updates, and we’ll consult with her/him whenever necessary. 
Sessions and treatments will usually last anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. 

This just depends on your condition and the severity of your pain or injury. Sometimes one or two visits may be enough, while other conditions may require multiple treatments over the course of several weeks. We will remain fully transparent during the evaluation and treatment process regarding what you may expect with your individual situation. And, where appropriate, we will fully consult with and provide updates to your personal physician.

In physical therapy, the adage of “No pain, no gain” does not apply. Physical therapy should not hurt, and we closely monitor all treatments to ensure your experience is effective yet comfortable. 
Unfortunately, this isn’t uncommon. Sometimes additional treatments may be required, but not always. If your problem returns, simply give us a call and we’ll consider the best option for moving forward. This may include additional visits with your physical therapist, or it may simply involve changes in exercise and/or your daily routine. 
Most of the time, your physical therapist will provide you with exercises you can do at home to either continue treatment, or to simply prevent future flare-ups and injuries. Your physical therapist will also educate you about what you might expect in the coming days and weeks, and what to look for which may indicate another appointment/treatment may be beneficial. 
It’s likely your treatments will be paid through your health insurance. To learn about which insurances we accept or to discuss possible cash-pay options, please call us or reach out via our contact page. 
Physical therapists are movement experts who will help you live your best, most active life with minimal pain, injury and movement limitations. They do this through treatments and modalities that are natural, effective, and often less invasive and expensive as medications and surgeries. 
As top health care professionals, physical therapists view all musculoskeletal injuries and ailments as a consequence of factors that exist not just in the problem area, but throughout one’s entire body – the way it moves, compensates for limitations, and accommodates its environment. As such, physical therapists treat all patients holistically, always with an eye toward improving one’s quality of life. 
Physicians focus on ensuring the various biological systems of the body remain healthy and in working order. A physical therapist’s focus is on the body’s musculoskeletal system – the way it moves and functions as you go through life. This includes rehab following an injury or surgery, and it includes identifying and treating weaknesses, limitations, defects and other factors that may lead to discomfort, pain and injury in both the short and long term. 
Physical therapists are also apt at utilizing movement and exercise to manage, treat, and even prevent chronic conditions, from pain to diabetes, arthritis, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, etc.   
Private practice physical therapists and clinics generally pride themselves in providing more individualized, one-on-one care with licensed physical therapists. The higher level of attention you get from a private practice PT vs. a hospital- or physician-owned facility often leads to more optimal and efficient individual outcomes. By working with physical therapists who get to know and understand you and the unique way you live and move, you’re more likely to achieve your goals while more fully understanding ways you may limit the need for future visits. 
People in all 50 states are allowed some form of direct access to physical therapy. And, you have the right to choose which clinic you wish to visit. To make this easier for you, we accept a variety of insurance plans and can guide you through each of their requirements for physical therapy. Just give us a call, and we’ll answer your questions about access and insurance. 
Please contact us if you have questions about specific certifications help by our current team of physical therapists.