Spinal manipulation
Spinal manipulation, also known as spinal adjustment, is a therapeutic manipulation of the spine used for treating pain and discomfort in the back or neck. To perform spinal manipulation, the therapist applies pressure or force with their hands or a device to the effected portion of the spine. Any “popping” or cracking that can be heard is not from the therapist “cracking bones”, as commonly believed, but from the release of gas or air bubbles from the joints. Spinal manipulation is generally gentle and usually accompanied by heat and massage to the area.
Common symptoms or complaints:
- Pain and discomfort in neck or back
- Loss of motion in neck or back
How does treatment help?
- Decreases or eliminates pain and discomfort
- Increases motion
- Improved physical function
Learn more about the many services we offer including Aquatic Rehabilitation Program, Vestibular Rehabilitation, Orthopedic Rehabilitation, & more.
We are committed to helping you recover and restore health. For more information about our physical therapy services please contact us at (317) 967-8787.
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